At first glance this seems like a decent GSP software, and to a point, it is, but after several weeks of usage, Ive noticed that its lacking in numerous areas. One of the the most ridiculous things about it is that it actually doesnt display the house number that youre heading to once youve reached the target street. I use it to get to 10-20 different locations every day, and Im forced to switch to my scheduling software every time Ive reached my target street in order to remember what house number I was heading to. This poses a safety risk. Text-to-speech speaks out the #, but usually only once youve passed it. Its mind boggling that they would leave out such a basic feature.
Also, the estimated time of arrival is extremely inaccurate. Often times it estimates 90 minutes, and it only takes 55 minutes (I dont speed). Even within the city, its usually off by up to 15 minutes on a 35 minute trip. They say it "learns" the more you drive. Well, I drive 200-300 kms a day, and it hasnt learned a thing.
Sometimes it would simply cut off speech mid-sentence for no apparent reason.
To top it all off, it almost never takes me to my destination using the quickest route (which is what I always select). There are much quicker routes than the one it chooses, yet it always insists on choosing the slower speed roads, which are also more congested.
Another disappointment is the incredibly small size of the buttons. Are you serious? All that iPad real estate and you make the buttons a few millimeters in size?
On the up side, it looks pretty. Whoop dididee.
I should have gone the TomTom route (pun totally intended).
UPDATE: Ok, Ive waited long enough for an update, hoping theyd fix the basic issues (like adding house #s), but several months later theyve still not released an update. So Im downgrading my rating to 1 star and deleting it from my iPad so I can move on to a better GPS program for my iPad whose developers actually listen to customer concerns.
Malek Ali about NAVIGON Canada, v1.8.2